Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pastel Still Life

This piece of art is called a Pastel Still life. In my still life, I used a lot of composition and light. I planned my composition by simply moving my items around and figuring out what looked best. I ended up having my two biggest items in the back, and my smaller item in front. A thumbnail sketch is a small concise drawing of an image. The viewfinder helped me find a nice position that fit well on the big paper. It was a good tool to find a nice layout for my artwork. To make my items appear three dimensional, I used a lot of value. Value was a very big part of this project for me and it really seemed to bring out the items and make the appear three dimensional. When creating light source during this project, there were many things I had to do. First I had to figure out where the light was coming from, where it was hitting on the items and where it wasn't.  Once I found those three things, I lightened the side the light was shining on. As you can see I also have many shadows on my art work. That is where the light shines and the items cast a shadow.

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